From 16th - 22nd July : PACTCA, Co-organiser of the Peace, Economic & Cultural Conference in New York
From 16th - 22nd July : PACTCA, Co-organiser of the Peace, Economic & Cultural Conference in New York
Actualités Coopération

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The President of the Pan African Council of Traditional and Customary Authorities and Co - Organiser, HM Prof Octave Cossi HOUDEGBE will be leading an important delegation of Several Traditional Authorities (Kings & Customary Authorities) from the the African Continent & the DIASPORA to the PEACE, ECONOMIC & CULTURAL CONFERENCE in New York from 16th - 22nd July in the company of our principal partner - CERDOTOLA, whose Executive Secretary will be honouring our delegation as a Keynote Speaker at the U.N. event on 18th July and at the launching of the Royal Institute of African Cultures and Traditions, with FOUNDING FATHERS.
You will further be updated as the event unfolds.

HM Mfaw Tanyi Robinson, General Secretary, PACTCA / CPATC.